
Ayurvedic Skin care routine to follow for clean & glowing skin

Ayurvedic skincare stands out for its holistic principles and natural efficacy in a world...

Veteran Ayurveda Practitioner Gita Ramesh’s Cookbook Offers An Indulgent Insight Into Holistic Wellness Through Food.

Let’s accept, most of us have embraced Ayurveda very late in our lives, especially...

Onam Sadhya: Sampling The Traditional Feast’s Evolving Flavours

The Onam sadhya occupies the sweet spot between tradition and innovation. The dishes served...

Common Mistakes You Could Be Making When Following Ayurvedic Skincare, Here’s How You Can Reverse The Damage

Ayurvedi skincare exists for centuries. And with time, the treatment and daily living as...

Lifestyle Changes to Manage Hypertension: Diet, Exercise, and Stress Reduction

Hypertension, or high blood pressure, is a common condition that affects millions of people...

The Dangers of Toxins in Your Body: Why Regular Detoxification is Essential.

Every day, our bodies are exposed to numerous toxins that can be found in...

Back to the Basics

On a still afternoon, a pond heron inspects the waters closely for floating insects....

Kairali’s Ayurveda-led Wellness Resorts Is Based On The Zero-mile Concept | Traveldine

Abhilash K. Ramesh, Executive Director, Kairali Ayurvedic Group, talks about the recent renovations at...

पाना चाहती हैं सॉफ्ट त्वचा, इस्तेमाल करें यह बॉडी लोशन

पर्यावरण के कारण त्वचा संबंधी समस्याएं होने लगती है। खासतौर पर त्वचा की नमी...


Juice cleansing is a popular diet trend that involves consuming only fruit and vegetablejuices...