Ayurvedic Healing Village Featured In Life Matterz | Life Matterz Magazine | Residential Treatment


Review on Ayurvedic Healing Village
by Emaho Featured In Life Matterz

An amazing review by Emaho Consulting on Kairali- The Ayurvedic
Healing Village got published in the Life Matterz magazine’s October 2014 issue. Life
Matterz is a quarterly national health magazine that deals with wellness, nutrition and holistic therapies.

Ayurvedic Healing Village

By Emaho

My visit to the Kairali
Group?s residential treatment centre at Palakkad began with a tinge of
apprehension. Their office in Delhi had warned me that tea and coffee are not
available at the Resort. I am a coffee fanatic and my anxiety levels had
started to peak. After a short drive from the airport I reached the Resort – quiet,
serene and nestled amongst acres of organic Ayurvedic farmland. The room was
carefully chosen as per my Zodiac sign. I am told the resort has been designed
keeping in mind the principles of Vaastu Shastra, with red oxide floors and a
rare Valambari Conch shell in every room, and a gentle water body around every

I grab a drink of water
(warm, infused with herbs) and go to see the resident doctor who will chart out my de-tox program for the remainder of my stay. The doctor
explains that the basis of treatment is a ‘Prakruti analysis? which was
leisurely conducted and included a physical examination and interview so that
my personal health goals were met. Once my presiding dosha imbalance had been
ascertained, he prescribed a preliminary detox and some curative medicines and
lifestyle education to keep me connected when I left.

Ayurveda is an ancient
system of lifestyle, diet and medicines and understand the five elements as the
root cause of existence. These five elements are present in different combinations
in each of us and are represented by the three doshas, or energies: Vata, Pitta
and Kapha. When any of the doshas accumulate in the body beyond the desirable
limit, the body loses its balance. Every individual has a distinct balance, and
our health and well-being depend on getting a right balance of the tridoshas.
Ayurveda suggests specific lifestyle and nutritional guidelines to help
individuals reduce the excess dosha.

The intense and
transformative Panchakarma sequence, the biggest attraction of health tourism
in India and certainly Kerala, is done with special medicated oils in
combination with purgation, enemas, steam therapy and Ayurvedic massage, to
remove toxins and restore balance in the doshas. The quiet atmosphere, special
diet and gentle yoga and meditation that was part of the program at the retreat
added to the wellness that I felt. Kairali offers numerous other tailor-made
detoxification programmes that are oriented around specific health aims like
stress relief, arthritis, sinusitis, migraine, post pregnancy care, beauty and
weight loss.

Food at the retreat is
vegetarian with little or no milk and milk products. It is delightful, tasty
and beautifully presented. The cookery classes that are part of the program
teach you how to cook recipes that are suited to all body types. After
preparing myself mentally for the healthy, wholesome food that was presented to
me everyday, I began to enjoy myself. My daily diet included coconut water,
fruit (with the exception of bananas), red rice that was native to Kerala,
idilis dosas, aapams (all fermented food that provides B12) lots of greens and
vegetables rich in calcium, iron-rich foods and food rich in vitamin C (aiding
the absorption of iron). The diet is rich in antioxidants and high in fibre.

Kairali has patented
medicines, oils and products like shampoos and lotions that they manufacture.
Before leaving I did try the Royal Makeover which was a 2-hour head to toe
package that included an eye wash, hair pack and body packs and scrubs using
Kairali products containing, amongst other things, turmeric, triphala churna,
coconut and alma. The Retreat also offers comprehensive courses on the theory
and practice of Ayurveda. I left a few kilos lighter and my pangs for coffee
forgotten in the warm glow of wellness that surrounded me.

We at Emaho Consulting
are communications specialists who are passionate about travel, wellness,
nutrition and growing our own organic produce. We travel as often as we can
trying out resorts, spas, home stays, restaurants, roadside eating places and
specifically, places that allow you to take your pets. Yes we have opinions on
all of them and we like writing about them because we know they have a story to

Published on: October 2014

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