Samkhya Darshan | Samkhya Philosophy | Ayurveda Philosophy | Ayurvedic Treatment


The wisdom of Yoga goes much further than
the physical practice of asana and pranayama. Real Yoga means skill ?
intelligence based on self-knowledge and knowledge of the environment that
surrounds you. Even a little theoretical knowledge of these can empower you to
completely transform your life by synchronising your lifestyle with the energy
flow that surrounds you. This kind of intelligent wellbeing can be derived from
no better place than the energetic theories of Yoga and Ayurveda ? ancient
systems of living in tune with your environment.

The Three Gunas in Your Daily Routine.

The three gunas are a fundamental part of Yoga and Ayurveda philosophy,
emanating from the ancient metaphysical theory of SamkhyaDarshan on which these life-sciences are based. Sattvagunais the quality of energy of
peace and spiritual connection, Rajas the
energy of activity, and Tamas the
energy of inertia. All three play an important part in your daily cycle, and
can be skilfully managed by devoting particular activities to the times of day
in which they are dominant.

is predominant in the early morning Brahma muhurta period, where spiritual
energies are running highest. Understood from Vedic scripture to last 1 hour 36
minutes precisely, it occurs between the hours of 4am and 6am. The practice of
meditation, pranayama and Yoga asana have additional value when performed at
this time, and establish an energetic equilibrium to last throughout your day.

Daytime, ruled by Rajoguna, should be devoted to activity and engagement with the
world, whileTamoguna takes precedence
after 6 pm. It is much harder to engage the mind in work tasks in the evening,
which is a period that should be devoted to winding down and spending time with
family. Going to bed early is the essential part of this routine, allowing you
to flow with the daily cycles and make use of the powerful Sattvi cearly morning hours.

AyurvedicDoshas and Times of Day.

The three-doshasystem of Ayurvedic philosophy provides a more detailed
schedule of the energetic forces in action throughout your day. The three doshasare active on an equal and
rotating basis, and indicate the dominant energy that you have to deal with
throughout each period. A proper assessment of how to work with the Ayurvedic
daily cycle can be made by determining your individual Ayurvedic dosha constitution. Those of a Vata?dominant nature will have more
trouble controlling their mental fluctuations during the Vata periods of day, and will find it easier to work in the Pitta or Kaphaphases. Similarly, those of a Kapha-dominant nature will benefit from the Vata-dominant afternoon hours, when they are likely to benefit from
a greater fluidity of thought and inspiration.

Time of day



Morning 6 am ? 10 am



Midday 10 am – 2 pm



Afternoon 2 pm ? 6 pm



Evening 6 pm ? 10 pm



Midnight 10 pm ? 2 am



Early morning 2 am ? 6 am



The above table illustrates the daily cycle
of Ayurvedic doshas as they operate
in our gross and subtle constitution, as well as our surrounding environment.
While an introduction to this detailed ancient system can be presented in such a
table; full instruction on how to work with it requires expert advice based on a
professional diagnosis of your personal Ayurvedic constitution.

Benefit from a professional Ayurvedicdoshaanalysis, and personalized Yoga
Therapy and Ayurvedic lifestyle programs at Kairali Yoga?s Yoga Therapy Retreats in Kerala? the home of authentic Ayurveda.

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