Oral Health with Ayurveda | Ayurveda for Dental Health | Preventive Dental Care Treatment


Oral Health with

Oral diseases ranging from gum
disease to cavities are all grave
threats for oral health. Oral health is
an vital part of your overall health . If left unattended the oral problems like gum disease, dental cavities , mouth sores , infections
and oral cancer can lead to severe pain, loss of teeth and serious health complications.

Oral Hygiene

Oral Hygiene is the practice of
keeping the mouth, teeth and gums clean to prevent oral diseases. Good oral
hygiene results in a mouth that looks and smells healthy. A mouth where the
teeth are clean, gums are healthy and pink , they do not hurt or bleed and
there is a complete absence of bad breath. Retaining good oral hygiene is one
of the most essential things for disease free teeth and gums. A healthy mouth
will not only make you feel good and happy it shall it is also important so
that you can eat , drink and speak properly. Good oral health is vital to your
overall well-being.

Gum Diseases

Gum disease is an infection of
the tissues that surround and support your teeth caused by bacteria. It is a major cause of tooth loss in adults. Since
most of the gum diseases are painless you may not know you have it. The bacteria
present in the mouth constantly form a sticky colourless film in the teeth
called plaque. If not removed daily by brushing and flossing the plaque can
harden and form tartar that brushing cannot clean. This tartar can infect not
only the gums and teeth, but eventually the gum tissue and bone that support
the teeth.

The two main types of gum disease
are gingivitis and periodontitis.

Bleeding Gums

Bleeding gums can be
the sign that you are suffering from severe gum disease. The main cause of
bleeding gum is the build-up of plaque at the gum line. This will lead to a
condition called gingivitis. This is
the earliest stage of gum disease. This is an inflammation of the gums caused
by plaque build-up at the gum line and causes irritation, redness, bleeding and
swelling. Gingivitis is usually caused by poor oral hygiene, and can be easily
reversed with the help of professional care or home care and proper oral

(Sometimes on going
gum bleeding may be due to serious medical conditions such as leukaemia and
bleeding and platelet disorders


When gingivitis is not treated,
it can advance to periodontitis. It is s a serious gum infection that damages
the soft tissue of the gum and destroys the bone that supports your teeth. Periodontitis
can cause tooth loss or worse, an increased risk of heart attack or stroke and
other serious health problems but at the same time periodontitis is a common
dental problem and can be treated.

Gum Sores

Gum sores are small, shallow
ulcers that appear in the gum or at the base of the gum and often make eating
and talking uncomfortable. These are painful ulcers and can cause a lot of


Pyria is the official term used
for describing bleeding gums and gum disease. If your gum bleeds easily it is
an warning of early onset of pyria. Gums bleed easily when there is an
inflammation in the gums due to which the blood vessel underneath the gums enlarge
and rupture easily. Pyria is an indication of very poor oral hygiene resulting
in microbial growth around the gums. Pyria can also lead to tooth decay and bad
breath. On the onset of pyria, patients typically suffer from swollen and/or
red gums, the teeth becomes extra sensitive and cannot eat hot or cold foods,
and may even give bad pungent breath. Pyria can be treated easily but if not
treated in time there can be complete tooth decay that cannot be reversed.


Dental health refers to all
features of the healthiness and functioning of the teeth gums and mouth. Its
denotes to a healthy mouth, free of infections, injuries and other problems
with teeth and gums. Sometimes disease and other conditions can affect your
dental health. The health of our teeth and mouth are linked to overall health
and well-being in a number of ways. You need healthy teeth to chew and swallow
the food for obtaining nutrients and maintain good health. Also poor
dental health can also adversely affect self-esteem and beauty.

Dental Cavities

Tooth decay or dental cavity is
one of the most common dental diseases. Dental cavities are holes in teeth
caused by tooth decay. Cavities are also referred to as caries. If cavities
aren’t treated, they get larger and affect deeper layers of your teeth. They
can lead to severe toothache, infection and tooth loss.

Bacteria, food particles, and naturally
occurring acids form plaque which coats the teeth. The acid in plaque sooner or later
starts to eat away the tooth enamel. Once the acid eats through the enamel it
starts decaying the dentin. Dentin is the second, softer layer of the teeth and
is very easily damaged. If no treatment is sought at this stage the inside of
the tooth that houses the nerves and blood vessels gets affected and causes
nerve damage. This results in severe pain and sometimes inflammation.

Sugars , starches and soda increase
the risk of tooth decay. Sticky foods are more harmful than non-sticky foods
because they remain on the teeth. Frequent snacking , inadequate brushing also
increases the risk of cavity.

Bad Breath

Bad breath, or halitosis, is
categorised by an unpleasant odor of the mouth. Maintaining proper oral health
can help lessen or eliminate bad breath.

Bad breath can be the result of
several things, but it’s usually caused by poor oral hygiene. When unwanted
bacteria builds up in the mouth it makes the mouth smell bad.

Bacteria is always present in the
mouth as they break down pieces of food in the mouth and any food trapped in
your teeth will be broken down by bacteria, causing a unpleasant smelling
breath. But incessant bad breath can be a sign of gum disease. At times eating
strongly flavoured foods, such as onions and garlic, can also cause your breath
to smell, as can smoking and drinking a lot of alcohol. Occasionally, bad
breath can occur due to an infection or illness, or due to certain drugs or

Bad breath in babies or young
children may be a sign of infection or undiagnosed medical problems and needs
doctors consultation.

Mouth Sores

Mouth sores are shallow ulcers
that can appear on any of the soft tissues of the mouth, including the lips, cheeks,
gums, tongue, and floor and roof of the mouth. One can develop mouth sores even
in the esophagus, the tube leading to
the stomach. The most common form of mouth sore is canker sore – a minor irritation and lasts only a week or
two. Mouth sores cause some redness and pain, depending on the size, severity,
and location of the sores in the mouth, it can cause difficulty in eating,
drinking, swallowing or talking.

The main reasons of developing a
mouth sore are- biting your tongue, cheek, or lip, irritation
from a sharp object such as braces, retainer, or dentures, brushing too hard,
tobacco chewing, infection of herpes simplex virus, a weakened immune system
because of illness or stress, side effect of certain medicines, hormone changes and vitamin deficiency, especially of folate and

Often, minor mouth sores often go
away naturally within 10 to 14 days, but they can last up to six weeks.

Mouth Ulcers

Mouth ulcers are agonizing round
or oval sores in the mouth, most often on the inside of the cheeks or lips.
They are generally white, red, yellow or grey in colour and are inflamed around
the edge. mouth ulcers usually go away on their own but treatment may be
necessary if the ulcers are severe, and
interfere with activities like eating and speaking.

Ayurveda for Dental Health

Ayurveda believes that dental problems can be treated by balancing the three
doshas of a human body – The Vatta, pita and Kapha, just like any other
diseased condition. Ayurveda provides a well-balanced diet and certain very
basic herbal remedies that can be very beneficial to maintain a good oral

Also there are various ayurvedic
that cleanse the teeth, whiten the teeth, ease dental pains, strengthen
the gums and can cure bad breath completely without any side effects. Kairali
Ayurvedic Group offers various treatments
and therapies like Kavala Graham and Gandoosham and also prescribes herbal medications for
dental diseases and for maintaining a perfect oral health.

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