Kairali Ayurveda Group-is always involved in corporate initiatives to assess and take responsibility for the effects of the company on the environment and impact on social welfare. Kairali also believes in giving back much more as they are accepting from the community. We are socially responsible companies who do not limit themselves to using resources to engage in activities that help the community. They use resources to integrate economic, environmental and social objectives along with the growth of the society. We always worked in promoting education, employment enhancing vocational skills and the livelihood enhancement projects. Skilling is emerging as an important agenda towards developing the nation. With the rapid growth in every sector, there has emerged the need for skilled individuals and manpower to escalate the development process. Therefore, to fulfil the growing demands for the workforce and boost the economy. So Kairali Ayurvedic Group always aims to hire people locally and generate opportunities for getting employed as well by providing free of cost training to local people. The major part of our staff is from Palakkad or Kerala. We majorly focus on the skill development initiatives.

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