Kairali Ayurvedic Products | Ayurvedic Products For Arthritis | Ayurvedic Medicine


Kairalis Ayurvedic Healing Village inKerala offers intensive healing programs for various serious health ailments. It is oneofthe bestwellness spa and healthresortdedicatedto the
authenticpracticeofAyurvedaandisalsoa registeredAyurvedicHospital.This is one of the fewayurvedicwellness resortsto get aGreenLeafCertification fromGovernment of Kerala and
isverywell knowngloballyforitsfineayurvedicproductsand treatment methods.

Ayurveda for

The mainstream
healthcare industry is
for long has been
looking for a
permanent cure for arthritis and has been
spending huge amount of money
is the into research and development of the
same. But the main focus of
allopath medication is on
alleviation of the pain and not complete cue.

Ayurveda, on the other hand, stresses on a natural approach that
helps to completely eliminate arthritis through
a planned implementation of diet,
lifestyle , ayurvedic medications and massages. According to Ayurveda mostly pains are caused by the
aggravation of vata (air) dosha. Arthritis is a condition which is
caused due to accumulation
of ama and
aggravation of vata. This ama circulates in the whole body and
gets collected at the
weaker parts and
joints of the body
and triggers arthritis.


When the joints are inflamed in arthritis it causes breakdown of the cartilage. Cartilage
normally protects a joint, allowing it to move smoothly. Cartilage also absorbs
shock when pressure is placed on the joint, such as when you walk. Without the
normal amount of cartilage, the bones rub together, causing pain, swelling
(inflammation), and stiffness.

The main causes
of arthritis
are general
wear and tear of
joints, previously broken bones,
old age, any infection
caused by bacteria
or virus and
an autoimmune disease where the body’s immune system mistakenly attacks
healthy tissue.

The Risk factors

Family history. Your genes can make you more susceptible to
environmental factors that may trigger arthritis.

Age. The risk of many types of arthritis including
osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and gout increases with age.

Your sex. Women are more likely to develop
rheumatoid arthritis, while most of the people who have gout are men.

Previous joint injury.
People who have injured a joint, perhaps while playing a sport, are more
likely to eventually develop arthritis in that joint.

Obesity. Carrying
excess pounds puts stress on joints, particularly your knees, hips and spine.
Obese people have a higher risk of developing arthritis.


The most
common types of arthritis include Osteoarthritis , Ankylosing spondylitis,
Gonococcal arthritis , Gout, Juvenile
rheumatoid arthritis , Systemic lupus erythematosus, Psoriatic arthritis , Reactive arthritis , Rheumatoid arthritis and
Scleroderma .


Detection of this condition is generally done after a
person undergoes a
proper check-up but
the most common symptoms of
arthritis are stiffness in the joints,
joint pin , joint swelling, redness of the skin around a joint, reduced ability to move the joint, warmth
around a joint and in
many cases difficulty
in movements specially
in the mornings.


Physical therapy and occupational therapy help maintain
joint mobility and range of motion. How much therapy you need, and what kind of
therapy will depend on many factors, such as the severity and type of arthritis
you have, your age, and your general state of health.

Ayurveda believes
that arthritis can be
completely cured and that
to naturally without any side
effects . Change in lifestyle and food habits can
result in considerable
from the pain and
discomfort of arthritis. One must
increase the intake of
foods which are easily digestible and
avoid eating hot, spicy
fried foods, sweets, wind-forming
food, raw salads
and red meat. Fasting is very beneficial for digesting
the ama. The fasting could be complete or partial
depending on the strength of the person, season and place. Body
massage with herbal oils and detoxification
therapies in Ayurveda are very powerful to cure the root cause of arthritis.

Recommended Ayurvedic

CheriyaRasanadi Kashayam
is an effective
medicine for arthritis. Its
Ingredients like Vrisha, patola, harithaki
and other herbs
acts effectively against
the paithika condition like redness, burning
sensation and tenderness. The
nervous system is also strengthened
which in turn improves the functions of joints and muscles.
It has
been found by various
studies that Ayurvedic
medicines are very effective in cure of arthritis.

Doses and benefits of
Ayurvedic Products

Cheriya Rasanadi Kashayam 15 Ml Each with 40 Ml of warm
water in morning and evening before food

Bala Thailam 2 ml
with warm water at night

Kaisore guggulu 1 in
morning and evening with Balaarishtam after food

Also if inflammation
is more than 1teaspoon avipathy choornam with water at bed time is effective

Tips to
keep arthritis under control

Do yoga daily

Drink plenty of water

Avoid alcohol,

Duration of the ayurvedic medicine.

The above mentioned
products must be
taken as per doctor consultation

recommendation is for 5 to 6 week i.e.

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