Ayurveda for the Kidney Diseases | Ayurvedic Treatment for Kidney Diseases | Panchakarma for Kidney


Ayurveda for the Kidney Diseases

The kidneys are two bean shaped ,
fist sized organs positioned on either side of the spine in the middle of the

They perform several
life-sustaining roles. They are the bodys filtration system, cleaning wastes and
extra fluids from the body and producing
and balancing chemicals that are necessary the body to function properly. The
kidneys are also responsible for maintaining the balance of salt and minerals
in the blood, and help regulate blood pressure.

Any disorder that can damage nephrons (the tiny structures inside the kidney that act as a filter) can
harm the kidneys and result in kidney disease. Kidney damage usually happens
slowly over the years and there are no obvious signs or symptoms, so you dont
realise its happening until the damage is done. When the kidneys fail to work completely the
only option is a kidney transplant so you need to take care of the kidneys
through right diet and lifestyle.

When the kidneys become damaged,
waste products and fluid can build up in the body, causing swelling in your
ankles, vomiting, weakness, poor sleep, and shortness of breath. If left
untreated, diseased kidneys may eventually stop functioning completely. Loss of
kidney function is a serious — and potentially fatal — condition.

The main causes of kidney damage
are: diabetes, high blood pressure, hardening of the arteries around the kidney
and sometimes genetic.

Acute Renal Failure

Acute Renal Failure (ARF) is the
unexpected and dramatic loss of kidney
function. It happens when the kidneys suddenly stop working over a period of
hours, days, or in some cases, weeks. This may happen if the kidneys have
experienced a direct injury or an obstruction. Although the condition can be
life-threatening, it can also be reversible.

Acute Renal failure symptoms are
difficult to detect and may occur for multiple reasons:

  • An external injury may damage the kidneys
  • Over-exposure to metals, solvents and certain
    antibiotics and medication
  • A kidney infection may cause them to shut down
  • Obstructions in the urinary tract or renal
    artery can also lead to acute renal failure.

Symptoms of acute renal failure
may include:

  • Problems in urinating or little urine
  • Swelling in the legs, feet and abdomen
  • Feeling of nausea and vomiting.
  • Loss of appetite
  • Pain in the back just below the rib cage.
  • Feeling restless, fatigued and sleepy

In most cases acute
renal failure occurs in connection with another medical condition or event like

Polycystic Kidney Disease

Polycystic kidney disease is a
cystic genetic disorder of the kidneys and is characterized by the presence of
multiple cysts typically in both kidneys. These cysts are noncancerous round
sacs containing water-like fluid which keeps enlarging and though kidney is the
most affected organ, polycystic kidney disease can cause cysts to develop in the
liver, pancreas and, in some rare cases, the heart
and brain. This disease can cause various
serious and life threating complications.

The cysts keep growing and they
compress the healthy tissue and stop the kidneys from working properly. The
kidneys get larger along with the cysts, which can number in the thousands. The
two most common complications of this disease are- high blood pressure and
kidney failure.

Polycystic kidney disease varies in
severity, many complications are preventable. Lifestyle and dietary changes along
with medical treatments can greatly reduce the damage to the kidneys and can
also reduce the growth of cysts.

The main Polycystic kidney
disease symptoms are: high blood pressure, swollen abdomen, blood in urine,
frequent urination, Urinary tract or kidney infections, back or side pain and

Polycystic kidney disease is
generally inherited and rarely can develop in patients with other kidney
problems. There are two types of polycystic kidney disease, caused by different
genetic flaws : Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney
disease (ADPKD) and Autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease (ARPKD).


Pyelonephritis is a bacterial
infection of the kidneys. Pyelonephritis can be acute or chronic and mostly
happens when bacteria travel from your bladder up the ureters into one or both
of your kidneys. This disease is more likely to infect women than men.

If treated promptly this kidney
infection does not cause serious damage but it can make one feel very sick. If not
treated, it can get worse and cause permanent kidney damage. Often the symptoms
Pyelonephritis come on quickly , one can feel feverish, burning during
urination, shivery, and sick and have a severe pain in your back or side.

Preventing urinary tract
infections by maintain good personal hygiene is the best way to prevent

Renal Tubular Acidosis (RTA)

Renal tubular acidosis is a disorder
in which the kidneys become incapable of balancing the acid in the body due to
defect in secretion of acid, reabsorption of bicarbonate or both. When this
happens the acid content in the blood
shoots up and the acid content in the of the urine becomes lower than normal.

If not treated on time the
chronic acidity of blood can lead to various disorders including growth
retardation, bone diseases, muscle weakness,
kidney stone and ultimately kidney failure. But such complications are
rare, as in most cases of RTA can be efficiently treated with medicines or by
treating the condition that’s causing the acid to build up.

There are three different types
of RTA-

  • Type 1- Distal
  • Type 2 –
    Proximal RTA
  • Type 3 -Combined Proximal and Distal RTA
  • Type 4: Hyperkalemic RTA

Interstitial Nephritis

Interstitial nephritis is a
condition where the spaces between the kidney tubules become swollen or
inflamed and that in turn
effects the proper function of
kidney. Interstitial nephritis may be sudden and temporary (acute), or it may
be long-lasting (chronic) and get worse over time.

The main cause of Interstitial Nephritis is
either an allergic reaction to any drug or medication, side effect of certain
antibiotic or an infection.

Symptoms of this condition may
include: Blood in the urine, fever, increased or decreased urine output,
nausea, vomiting, rash in the body or swelling of the body.

This medical condition can be
easily treated if diagnosed on time and with a change in diet and lifestyle.

for Kidney Diseases

Keeping the kidneys healthy and
clean by maintaining a toxin free body is very important for our overall health. And
for this Ayurveda suggests a healthy and seasonal diet and a healthy lifestyle.

According to Ayurveda, the
kidneys are made up of the “Rakta” and “Meda” dhatus.
Treating these two dhatus is also an effective way to treat the kidneys.

The advantage of using Ayurvedic
is that in most patients there are no side effects and the kidney
damage can be either partly or fully reversed. Ayurveda says that when
the kidneys dont function properly the body waste build-up it is very
important to follow a certain type of diet and lifestyle for keeping the
kidneys healthy and toxin free.

Cleansing of kidneys with Kairali
Ayurveda focuses on removing all the toxins from kidneys, rejuvenating the
kidneys and optimizing kidney function. At Kairali Ayurveda intake of certain herbal medication , a good
diet , a healthy dincharya and panchakarma
are recommended for kidney

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