Ayurveda For Swine Flu | Swine Flu Treatment by Ayurveda | Swine Flu Ayurvedic Treatment


Ayurveda for Swine Flu

Ayurveda, ‘The Science of life’,
confers that, prevention is always better than cure, and the prime aim of
Ayurveda is always to preserve the health of a healthy person.

According to the Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the symptoms “swine flu” H1N1
virus in humans is parallel to those of influenza in general and includes sore
throat, cough, fever, body aches, headache, chills and fatigue accompanied with
diarrhoea and vomiting in severe cases. The most common cause of death in swine
flu is respiratory failure, pneumonia and dehydration.

Ayurveda says symptoms of swine flu is triggered by the aggravation of the three
Doshas (Vata, Pitta and Kapha) and loss
of Ojas(immunity) in the body.

Ayurveda recommends the
strengthening of the Ojas (immunity) to prevent swine flu from its attack. Swine Flu can be prevented effectively by embracing
a healthy lifestyle , improving one?s food
habits and by incorporating various herbs and ayurvedic medicines in our day to
day lives. Ayurvedic herbal oil massage, Yoga, Pranayam and Meditation also
increases immunity immensely in human body.

How Ayurveda Can Help Prevent
Swine Flu

With the number of people reeling under the onslaught of Swine Flu
(H1N1 virus) its going upwards at a rapid pace, everybody has been panicking and
fearing for the safety of their loved ones. To deal with this fear and anxiety,
and to take the necessary precautionary measures, we must first educate
ourselves on the differences between regular flu and Swine Flu.

A regular flu occurs due to seasonal changes or a drop in immunity
level. Symptoms of this type of flu include common cold, a runny nose, nasal
congestion and fever. Generally, over-the-counter medicines are sufficient to
treat these symptoms.

On the other hand, Swine Flu affects the respiratory system, and may
cause the patient to be put on ventilator support. Patients suffering from
Swine Flu may also fall prey to pneumonia (bacterial secondary infection) if
the viral infection persists, and some can even develop seizures. Secondary
bacterial infection of the lungs can lead to death but usage of appropriate
antibiotics can aid in the treatment.

While recovering from Swine Flu needs proper medical attention, there are
ways in which you can avoid falling prey to this deadly disease. Ayurveda
experts insist that we put our attention on prevention, which is based on the
understanding that increasing our immunity protects us from any epidemic

Ayurveda offers simple and effective remedies to boost immunity and
build resistance through food, lifestyle and herbal solutions.


Ensure that you eat nutritious vegetarian food that is freshly
prepared. Such food is easy to digest and does not overwork the digestive system.
This will also increase your overall resistance.


Ensure that you take deep rest and keep your house and work place well
ventilated. Practices such as pranayama, Sudarshan Kriya and meditation ensure
peace of mind and also improve your bodily functions. The condition of mind can
influence our body?s immunity level in a big way. A fearful and disturbed mind
has more chances of having an unbalanced immune system as compared to a calm
mind. Independent studies conducted at the All India Institute of Medical
Sciences, New Delhi and National Institute of Mental Health and Neuro Sciences,
Bengaluru have substantial empirical evidence that practices such as pranayama
and meditation boost immunity by at least three-fold.


Tulsi: Tulsi or Holy Basil is an age-old remedy for all sorts of
ailments like cold, cough, bronchitis and fever. It also effectively fights flu
and helps overpower harmful viruses, bacteria and other infections. A
preparation of Tulsi tea can help prevent Swine Flu.

Boil 20 Tulsi leaves in water. Add turmeric, lemon, ginger and boil for
5 minutes. Let the concoction simmer and add honey to help build immunity.

Lemon and Amla: Take lemon on an empty stomach to build immunity. Take
half a teaspoon of lemon juice with honey and turmeric. Amla or Indian
gooseberry protects the body from any type of infection and can be taken in any
form; namely – juice, raw or even as a tablet.

Dhupana: Dhupana or fumigation fights air-borne viruses and bacteria.
You can burn Sambarani dhoop (loban stems) in the house twice a day to
sterilize the atmosphere.

Laxmi Taru: Leaves of Laxmi Taru plant (botanical name: Simarouba) can
be added to tea to enhance immunity.

Ginger and Turmeric: Mix ginger and turmeric with lime juice and honey
and consume twice a day to enhance immunity.

Other Herbal formulations: Shakti drops, Immugen tablets,
Chitrakaharitaki and antiviral/ immunomodulation medicines like Bhoomi Amlaki
and Amrut (or Giloy) can be had, as prescribed by the physician.

Swine Flu can be prevented effectively by taking care of our food,
adopting a healthy lifestyle and integrating herbal remedies in our daily life.
These tips can also help fight regular flu and strengthen immunity, thus giving
you a healthy and disease free life.

Published on: 1st April 2015

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