Ayurvedic Cure for Hypertension | Abhyangam massage | Ayurvedic relaxation therapies | Yoga Therapy


As one of the leading lifestyle problems of
our times, hypertension is a chronic problem that can lead to devastating
consequences if not managed correctly. Hypertension, or high blood pressure,
puts the heart in a state of stress, which can result in strokes, heart attacks
or kidney failure later in life. As a condition intimately associated with
stress and lifestyle factors, on-going holistic treatment is the only way of
successfully managing hypertension and ensuring longevity.

Why Ayurveda for Hypertension?

The Ayurvedic approach to health is entirely
different to the Western focus on disease and cure – Ayurveda steps in to the
curative process much earlier. Ayurveda represents a vast body of medical
knowledge dedicated to treating the cause of disease, in order that the
symptoms will never need to arise. Indeed, it is often said that Ayurvedic
medicine detects disease at its first stage of development, while modern
medical cures begin at stage six. In treating cumulative lifestyle problems or
chronic disease such as hypertension, one should look first to Ayurveda and
Yoga therapy to find the tools to permanently manage their condition.

Ayurvedic Cure for Hypertension.

Kairali’s Treatment for Hypertension takes
a holistic approach combining detoxification and relaxation to adjust the
habits of the body and eradicate the problem at its roots. Each guest is
prescribed treatments according to their own individual constitution, and an
extensive doctor’s consultation will determine which medicated oils are best
for external use. Guests will also undertake a treatment course of internal
Ayurvedic remedies, utilising the exceptional benefits of Kairali’s own herbal
formulas, such as Cardospa

The basis of treatment is the daily
Abhyangam massage, involving large amounts of warm, medicated herbal oil
applied in the process of a relaxing four-handed massage. The Abhyangam massage
is followed by a steam bath, achieving deep detoxification as well as vessel
dilation. Other treatments include Sirodhara and Thakaradhara, classic
Ayurvedic relaxation therapies able to create deep change in the body and mind.
The ‘Dhara’ class of Ayurvedic therapies involve the rhythmic pouring of oil or
buttermilk on the forehead, stimulating the hypothalamus and inducing deep
relaxation of the brain and nervous centres of the body.

Yoga Therapy Cure for Hypertension

Guests undertaking our Hypertension
treatment program are well advised to supplement their schedule with Yoga
Therapy, or private Yoga tuition. Yoga asana
approached in a slow and synchronised manner can do wonders for the body, and a
qualified Yoga Therapist will be able to teach you asanas with specific application to circulation and aiding vessel
dilation. The chief wonder of Yoga Therapy in managing hypertension, however,
is pranayama(breathing techniques)
which, when correctly taught, will give you the tools to manage your condition
and reduce high blood pressure permanently. Methods such as Anuloma Viloma (alternate nostril
breathing), Chandra Bheda (left
nostril breathing), Sheetali and Sheetkari(cooling
breaths) act to slow the heart rate and pacify the pitta dosha aggravation at the root of the problem.


For more information on Kairali’s award-winning
Ayurveda treatment programs at their registered Ayurvedic Hospital in Kerala,
India click here.

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