Ayurvedic Treatment | Ayurvedic Approach | Bronchial Disease | Ayurvedic hospital


Kairali provides excellent holistic
treatments for lung and bronchial problems at their Ayurvedic hospital in
Kerala, India. Combining world-leading Ayurvedic herbal remedies, spa
treatments and lifestyle management, their curative programs provide the
benefits of a carefully tailored nutritional routine as well as Yoga Therapy
and breath-work for these conditions. Guests undertaking 7 to 21 days of
treatment are guaranteed a daily routine of twice-daily Ayurvedic spa
treatments creating the perfect internal environment for healing.

The Ayurvedic Approach to Bronchial

According to the ancient science of
Ayurveda, bronchial disease is classified as a kapha Dosha disorder; a condition associated with phlegm and
requiring treatments targeting the chest and torso. Guests benefit from daily Abhyangam oil massage and steam bath,
which work to cleanse the whole system of chemical impurities and remove the
root of the disease. A key preparatory treatment for all chronic problems, the Abhyangam massage improves circulation,
removes impurities and creates a base for Kairali?s targeted bronchial

Ayurvedic Treatments for Bronchial

(Emesis Therapy)

Vamanam is one of the classic five treatment actions (Panchakarma) of Ayurveda, and has special application to instances
of bronchial disease. The process of emesis, or induced vomiting, is an
absolutely fundamental procedure in the classical systems of both Yoga and
Ayurveda. Induced vomiting is a natural way to remove phlegm and toxins
directly from the site of disease, and when the process is combined with
specially medicated formulas, as in Ayurveda, the process brings unprecedented
benefits to the lungs.

Nasyam ? (Herbal Medication for the Sinuses)

Another favoured treatment in the bronchial
treatment process is Nasyam, also
forming one of the five classic treatment techniques (Panchakarma) of traditional Ayurveda. The insertion of medicated
oils into the sinuses works cleanses the entire nasal cavity, improving
oxygenation as well as directly stimulating the brain function. A vital
procedure in the treatment of bronchial problems, it targets the upper
passages, ensuring that an entire detox of the lungs is achieved.

Yoga Therapy for Bronchial Disorders.

Lung disease and bronchial disorders are
areas in which Yoga provides an ideal supportive therapy to the Ayurvedic
treatment process. Hatha Yoga provides physical therapy through the use of asana, correcting postural deficiencies
and opening the chest and torso to increase lung capacity. The proper practice
of pranayama (Yogic breath-work) in
conjunction with the correct posture completes the therapy.

The system of Hatha Yoga offers numerous pranayama techniques for this purpose.
The cleansing practice Kapalabhati uses
a repeated forceful exhalation to pump air into the lungs, completely ridding
them of stale air and achieving more than twice the usual oxygenation. Classic
methods such as Anuloma Viloma(alternate
nostril breathing) and Ujjayi
(contraction of the epiglottis) help patients lengthen their breath
considerably, while drawing the breath deep into the abdomen. Regular practice
brings immediate benefits and is sure to transform your breathing habits,
encouraging proper breathing throughout the day.

Patients undergoing Ayurvedic treatment for
bronchial diseases are well advised to take a course in Yoga Therapy with
Kairali?s resident Yoga Therapist. Patients can be assured of transformational
recovery by learning proper posture and breathing in order to build their own
daily practice of cleansing the lungs, and enhancing the oxygenation process.

-For more information on Kairali?s Treatment for
Bronchial Diseases,-
click here.

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