Mr. KV Ramesh: Managing Director of Kairali Ayurvedic Group Donates TV Sets & Tablets


These have been unprecedented times and while many of us have managed to sail through, the less fortunate ones did not have a reason to smile in the last few months. In our continuous endeavor to make our services available for the larger good of society, our managing director, Shri K.V Ramesh, decided to play the good Samaritan and spread some smiles in his local community of Kerala. He went ahead and donated television sets to the households and tablets to the kids for two purposes: to keep everyone entertained while being at home and to facilitate learning for the local kids. Read more about this CSR initiative by Kairali Ayurvedic Group below.

When he came up with his initial thought of doing something to make these challenging times easier for his immediate community, our team set out to analyze what would best serve the purpose. While we have already served food grains to the masses previously, we decided to do something different. And therein came up the idea of donating television sets and tablets. While the parents and the extended family can enjoy serials and dramas, the kids should not be left out. So we decided to distribute tablets to the young rock stars. And guess what? The smiles that lit up their faces were priceless!

While going door-to-door to spread joy, our MD-led team also followed all the safety guidelines and government protocols while sharing with the locals the importance of wearing masks and washing hands with sanitizers every 20 minutes, to keep themselves safe. (Looking for a sanitizer?

Our managing director, Shri K.V Ramesh, especially loved the interactions with the kids. When asked about his favorite part of this CSR initiative on behalf of Kairali Ayurvedic Group, he immediately replied with a peal of ringing laughter? the interactions with the kids were definitely memorable. Their pure smile, curious eyes, and the bubbling joy with which they received the tablets were what etched a mark in his heart. While a continuous inspiration, he mainly made it a point to share his thoughts on why such interaction with kids is important? just as one waters the garden so that seeds produce good crops, we have to nurture young minds for a better future for our country and the world altogether.

On this happy note, we are sharing a few of our pictures clicked during the CSR activity below.

Know more about Kairali Ayurvedic Group here

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