Ayurveda | Uses Turmeric | Ayurvedic Medicines | Live Mint


Ayurveda- since historical times- uses Turmeric , the Spice Gold

The world is
slowly realizing- the value of turmeric
that can be termed as the spice gold. In India historically turmeric has been
widely used for socio- religious practices and in ayurvedic medicinal
preparations. There are more than 50
names for this spice in Sanskrit. The world is comprehending the natural
healing and anti-inflammatory properties of turmeric, which have been used
since the Vedic ages in the Indian subcontinent. Of late, modern medicine has
started to recognize its importance, as indicated by turmeric?s presence in
more than 3,000 publications in the last 25 years.

A per-Ayurveda and Traditional Chinese Medicine, turmeric is known for its digestive and liver-friendly properties. It is also said to relieve arthritis and regulate menstrual function. It has an antibacterial effect both on the skin and internally.

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