Kairali Ayurveda supports Blue Yonder?s initiative


Kairali Ayurvedic Group is constantly trying to improve its way of working and simultaneously trying to live in harmony with nature. We believe in giving more to the community. Kairali Ayurveda Group supports Blue yonder?s initiative of Traveller?s forest in association with traveling and local communities. It is a small step or initiative to bring back the lost green space that could influence the global weather restoration process. This, in turn, will also help re-establish the natural hydrological cycle of the particular targeted area. One of the main reasons for many of the rivers not to be in a good state is mainly deforestation. Green cover has been lost in places like Kerala. Blue Yonder?s initiative works to regenerate green cover by planting more trees and species of flora and it also involves travelers and the tourism industry in greening the world. It also helps in creating a model of developing and maintaining forests on public/private vacant lands.

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